"Canadian native, Victoria Bourdeau has been playing on WEATNU [OUR] (main) for some months now. We finally had a chance to get an interview with her this month. Her music comes from an influence of modern dubstep, Electronica, Deep House and Nordic pop."
Interview by Almark
How long have you been a musician?
Victoria Bourdeau: You know, that's an interesting question! I first started writing song lyrics in 2005 when the dream really came alive in me to do something outside of the box, and it's become the greatest creative outlet for me besides drawing. When I got my first guitar on Christmas morning of 2009 I played it immediately, however something felt off, realizing I was a left handed guitar player with a right handed guitar I simply turned the guitar around and played it upside for two months until I got my father to help me re-string it.
What does music do for you when you create it?
VB: It opens up every possible door for creativity, and self-exploration, it's like giving birth to a new way of embracing life. With different styles come different sounds, and with that you challenge yourself to become a better writer, and artist.
Any new material at this time?
VB: Yes! I've just finished recording a new track Called "Captive" and I hope to have it out shortly. Besides electronic music, I am constantly writing, EDM is just one side of what I do.
I understand you play the guitar and you also create electronic music using iOS apps?
VB: Yes, that's correct, I create the electronic music from my phone, usually starting with the bass line and building the track around that.
Is WEATNU helping you to be noticed as an artist?
VB: Of course! Ever Since I've had contact with WEATNU the amount of support and encouragement I've received over Twitter and through the community of connected artists as well as through this WEATNU Records has been truly astounding to me. I still can't believe all of the things that have happened this year, it's just mind blowing. Also I want to take this time to thank friends and family that stayed by my side when things got rough, Thank you!
You have some pop elements in your music, does that somehow create a bigger picture for your electronic sound?
VB: I've never really thought of it in that manner to be quite honest with you, when I started out and still to this day, I've just wanted my sound to be unique enough, but familiar enough to the general public so that they get to experience a new vibe from my work. The intention was never to gravitate attention, it has always been simply to lift people's spirits up and to inspire them.
As far as the area you live, is there a scene in your part of Canada?
VB: Honestly everybody just does their own thing which I think is cool.
What goals do you have as a musician?
VB: I try not to set goals because i feel they can make a person close-minded, I just go with whatever feels right for me in that moment, and just embrace every moment as it comes about, good or bad.
You also sing, are you planning on releasing anything in the future with your vocals?
VB: That may be a possibility for me one day in the future but for now I prefer to just let the music speak for itself.
Do you have any fav artists under WEATNU or WEATNU Records?
VB: Mm hmm, One of the artists that stands out a lot to me in not only style but class as well is Em Baker (Plike). Her sound is dark and atmospheric but leaves a very genuine and delicate impression on listeners.
What do you think about the current scene of electronic / DIY musicians these days?
VB: I think it's wonderful, although I'm saddened that not more are recognized in the way they should be.
You're a passionate and poetic person, how does music fit into your background, how did you begin?
VB: Music has always been apart of me. Just before I was born my father would crank up music to find that I was keeping perfect time to the harsh and violent beats of Motley Crüe . At just four months I was whistling, and by ten months I would hum myself to sleep.
I began music by studying the way different artists portrayed and conducted themselves on stage in a way that would get the crowd going, bringing the fans into that moment with them. If the artist was disconsolate, you felt it, if exuberant you felt that! It's all about finding your path and growing from there.
Being one of the youngest of WEATNU, what do you think you can bring to your generation?
VB: I hope to be able to give back to people through my music and to inspire people to go after what they want in life contrary to what they believe they can succeed.
What influences you as an artist / musician to write?
VB: That's a hard question to answer because everything in life inspires me to write, the bare leafless tress of winter clinging to life for one more season, the light of the moon at night, the miracle of life, the tides of the oceans and how the sea creatures respond to the different levels of water in their environment. Every little aspect of life is truly miraculous and breathing taking for me so it's hard to answer that completely. I'm sorry.
Dreams of becoming?
VB: Someone who is able to inspire at least one person.
Tell us more about your new EP?
VB: Captive? Well It takes the form of many styles some of which are mixed. Deep House, Trap, EDM, Heavy Bass, Nordic Pop ect. For me it’s all about pushing the limits and not staying in one square box, because in time if I want to focus on one platform, it’s not something that wouldn’t have been familiar in my other music. The point is to stay as original as possible but also to constantly change it up, to have it be that no two songs are alike. I want each song on its own to speak for itself. That to me is how to keep things alive and is what the songs on my coming EP represent.
If there was one thing in life you could be remembered for what would it be?
VB: Being a risk taker.
Where do you see #WEATNU going in the next decade?
VB: I see it becoming a world-wide spread community of thriving artists.
Bagels or Donuts?
VB: Why do you do this to me!! Both are great but I'm afraid I have to choose Donuts, I'm so sorry Bagels!!
#WEATNU Digital Magazine - Jan 25, 2016
'With all respect: We lost Victoria in 2018, she was a greatly talented artist and one of us, she will never be forgotten.'