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Album showcaseArchives

33 Shades of Chrome

WEATNU RECORDS has a tradition of releasing the ‘weird’ and unorthodox. Craig Manga of (Manga Bros) the master of strange, put together his remix request 2 months ago and brought over 33 artists together to redo, recreate and mangle Motorcycle Death Song from his latest album Soulcoalblack. The song is about a Preacher hell-bent on destruction of his own soul, racing to the end of eternity. Flashbacks, skid marks and flesh being peeled from his very body onto the dark pavement in electronic style imagery. By some miracle he is resurrected into a Ghost Rider-like entity. Each artist recreates their version of this Hollywood – indie style film music. Everything from avant-garde to industrial. At the same time there is another “33 more Shades of Chrome” lurking on his Facebook page, to be announced… Get the album on WEATNU RECORDS for Name your Price. One song released per day until all 33 have been released throughout July. Listen below.

Glory Be!!!


Almark#WEATNU Digital Magazine

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Album showcaseArchives

Roofy – Sampler: ElectroRok

South Carolina artist “Roofy” releases his latest electro-punk album, with plenty of tracks to sample.

Roofy’s music has been floating around #WEATNU [OUR] for a few months now.  Sampler: ElectroRok is full of 90s influenced acid, with a familiar edge of The Prodigy, The Dust Brothers and Chemical Bros. Electro/Alt-punk infused hardness. While Date in the Bedroom is a perfect blend of NIN/Aphex Twin and The Faint. The rest of Sampler: ElectroRok is set to smooth and hard vox in the background complete with distorted drum/rave rhythms, folk, heavy guitar and even vocoder. This is about as underground as it gets!

Buy on Bandcamp


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Album showcaseArchives

New albums coming soon: Meter Bridge | Slow Motion

Canadian duo, Meter Bridge release their next album.
Meter Bridge are a dark synthpop duo from BC. Their last album
Self-titled “Meter Bridge” came out in Sep 2014.
Now they’re back again with brand new unheard songs.
Check out their last.

Pre-order goes up Friday April 20, 2015

Check out Meter Bridge on Bandcamp.


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