Bedtime for Robots: The Dismemberment Tapes
Straight from the depths of Michael Ferentino’s dark, experimental moniker, Bedtime for Robots, comes The Dismemberment Tapes. BFR has painstakingly constructed a sonic world unto itself. Percolated metallic globules, juxtaposed against unsettling echo-drenched voices and dissonant sonics…all being driven toward you with cinematic precision. The obvious attention to detail within the sound spectrum makes The Dismemberment Tapes a chillingly mesmerizing, purposeful listen. Incredible washes of oddness tinged with creepy vocal cascades and sinister synths abound. Ambient curves and growling bass notes plod as they warn of bad things lurking on the perimeter. Reversed nuances and chilly strings usher in electric spurts and crashes….all winding into a deep abyss of bubbly reverberated gloom.
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