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Synthesis Noir (EBM/Industrial) sub-label

A new generation of Industrial, Darkwave, Coldwave and EBM artists – take flight, as we start to build up our artist list for 2023. Another welcome addition to the already existing list of labels that are provided here.

One of (6) internet radios that #WEATNU had during 2015 has just been born.

Having our 3rd sub-label set for Industrial and dark electro type genres, just seemed like the right timing.
As the label continues to create more options for the listener, allowing in the known and unknown artist who poses “great talent.” Synthesis Noir promises to be something new.

While during the beginning of the movement of We are the New Underground, our roots were Industrial, IDM, Ambient, Dark ambient, and from that day forward the digital underground scene continues to morph and evolve and we release what is sent our way. One more label added to the landscape, one more option for the artist. These labels of #WEATNU help to target various scenes of the music landscape.

If you’re into classic Industrial, Electro, and EBM, then Synthesis Noir will be a place to keep an eye on.
Our sub-label may include some goth-crossovers from Transmission Nova label as well.
A newer audience will find this great music and the #WEATNU machine will continue to grow.
Free to join, and great benefits allotted to the artist.
Other genres may include Futurepop, witchhouse, and many sub-genres that come to us.
If Transmission Nova is to guitar post-punk, then Synthesis Noir is to Coldwave and digital wires.

#WEATNU Digital Magazine Almark
June 2023

Follow our Bandcamp: https://synthesisnoir.bandcamp.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SynthesisNoir
Post your music direct to our network to be considered, or

Contact direct below


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ArchivesNew albums

WEATNU Records: Year one

For an entire year WEATNU has been building a large group of artists on it’s label WEATNU Records. You’ve heard many of them throughout the months. Now you can hear them all together on the same album. Showcasing 74 amazing electronic artists, including punk and post-punk, dream-pop, nu jazz swing. You can buy this great piece of underground history for 9.80 USD. Complete with a wide variety of styles from all over the world. WEATNU Records continues to take in the greatest of hidden talent. All artists receive 70% per sale. WEATNU believes in fair pay to the artist.

Purchase on Bandcamp

<iframe style=”border: 0; width: 350px; height: 470px;” src=”https://bandcamp.com/EmbeddedPlayer/album=3474610779/size=large/bgcol=ffffff/linkcol=0687f5/tracklist=false/transparent=true/” width=”300″ height=”150″ seamless=””>WEATNU Records: Year One by WEATNU RECORDS</iframe>

#WEATNU Digital Magazine

Dec 2015

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Album of the WeekArchives

Album of the Week: The Aircrash Bureau! Romance (and related misery)

‘Album of the Week’ The Aircrash Bureau! Classic electro influenced, with darkwave overtones. Hansi Slanec’s “Romance (and Related Misery)” takes you on a journey into synthwave. and other late 80s coldwave groups. Be sure to add this one to your collection.

The Aircrash Bureau has also released ‘Morality’ as a double feature all week for the same price, released for the first time to WEATNU Records. Both albums will be 3 dollars all week.

Buy on WEATNU Records

Buy on WEATNU Records

Part of Artist Collective #4

Follow The Aircrash Bureau! on Twitter

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ArchivesNew albums

WEATNU Records: Lucia Fenix – Alter Ego

WEATNU Records releases Lucia Fenix: Alter Ego with [bonus] track.

Lucia Fenix creates satin-like patterns of dark folk and darkwave.
Her style of goth/electro and powerful vocals form the music of Lucia Fenix.

Her single ‘sand’ plays often on #WEATNU Online Underground Radio.

Purchase album on WEATNU Records.

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